Sparta Massage Therapy

Massage Parlours


It is often said that massage therapists do this kind of work because, "we can't not!" It is our belief that we are gifted, blessed, or just lucky that we are born to be members of this amazing profession! To be sure, the betterment of your quality of life is our passion, and we are all life-long students. Working as a team, we offer about a century of involvement and many thousands of hours worth of experience in hands-on therapy.Within the far reaches of the medical community, our work is unique. We offer a talent that is not magic, but the level at which we perform is exceedingly rare. We do our work for an uninterrupted hour, without machines or devices. We count our blessings, and we appreciate your patronage, and we welcome your questions!Sparta Massage Therapy offers one-hour sessions only, and we work by appointment.Our hours are somewhat flexible. We are here from early Monday morning until Saturday afternoon, and we respond to emergency situations.Our styles include: Swedish (full-body) Spa Myofascial and neuroMusculaor (specific deep tissue) Orthopedic Perinatal (pregnancy massage)Gift Certificates available. Our website and Facebook page are pending.Pain is a symptom. It is not a condition unto itself. We believe that even the deepest of deep tissue work should not cause much discomfort. We try very hard, with your continual help, to work at a level that evokes just the most gentle of mild aches, which we call, the ache that feels good. We are convinced that any more than that is counterproductive.Been everywhere else? We hear that a lot? Don't live with endless discomfort. Reach for a better tomorrow by calling today!

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